What is New in Angular 7?

Angular CLI

Angular-CLI is updated to prompt and guide the user while creating new apps. While creating a new Angular application, the Angular CLI will prompt the user to select if they want to add features like Angular routing or the format of the stylesheet they want to use in their application.

A new Bundle Budget feature of Angular CLI will warn developers if the application bundle size exceeds the predefined limit. The default value for the warning is set to 2MB, and for errors it is 5MB. This value is configurable and can be changed from the angular.json file. 

TypeScript 3.1

@angular/core now depends on TypeScript 3.1. Now you can migrate the newest features of new typescript in your Angular App.

RxJS 6.3.0

Angular 7 uses the latest version of Rxjs library. Now you can migrate the newest features of RxJS 6.3 in your Angular App.