What is New in Angular 6?

ng add command

ng add is a new command in Angular-CLI that helps you install and download new packages in your angular apps. It works the same as npm, but it doesn’t replace it.

ng update command

ng update is a new Angular-CLI command too. It’s used to update and upgrade your packages. It’s really helpful, for example, when you want to upgrade from Angular 5 to Angular 6, or any other package in your Angular app.

providedIn property

Now with Angular 6, you can provide your service inside the supervisor itself by putting the providedIn:root property within the “@injectable" decorator.

ng-template directive

You can use ng-template to render the HTML instead of the template tag in the new version of Angular. ng-template is an Angular element, and it works when it is used with a structural directive such as *ngFor and *ngIf

Angular elements

Angular 6 introduced us to Angular elements. You’re able to render your Angular elements as native web elements, and they’re interpreted as trusted HTML elements.

RxJS 6.0.0

Angular 6 uses the latest version of Rxjs library. Now you can migrate the newest features of RxJS 6 in your Angular App.