Search Sets within Sets in MySQL

The Problem;

Let’s describe a MySQL database system which is going to used for searching the product we can make with the materials we have.

Table of Products

|  id   |   product   |
|   1   |   product1  |
|   2   |   product2  |
|   3   |   product3  |
|   4   |   product4  |

Table of Materials

|  id   |   material   |
|   1   |   material1  |
|   2   |   material2  |
|   3   |   material3  |
|   4   |   material4  |
|   5   |   material5  |
|   6   |   material6  |

Table of Material needs for Products (Many To Many)

|  id   |  productid  |  materialid |
|   1   |      1      |      1      |
|   2   |      1      |      2      |
|   3   |      1      |      3      |
|   4   |      1      |      4      |
|   5   |      2      |      1      |
|   6   |      2      |      2      |
|   7   |      2      |      3      |
|   8   |      3      |      3      |
|   9   |      3      |      4      |
|  10   |      3      |      5      |
|  11   |      4      |      5      |
|  12   |      4      |      6      |

These are just examples of the database structure. With these kinds of tables and data, the system needs to perform a search. And the real database will be more complex and crowded.

Example Search;

|                   search                     |          result          |
|  material1, material2, material3, material4  |    product1, product2    |
|        material1, material2, material3       |          product2        |
|  material3, material4, material5, material6  |    product3, product4    |
|             material5, material6             |          product4        |
|  material2, material3, material4, material5  |          product3        |
|        material1, material2, material3       |          product2        |
|        material4, material5, material6       |          product4        |
|             material1, material2             |             -            |

In words, the search will give the result with the product names based on the material names we give as input.

The Solution;

This is an example of a “set-within-sets” query. The most flexible way of answering it is to use aggregation with a having clause:

SET @LISTOFMATERIALS = 'material1,material2,...' 

The variable @LISTOFMATERIALS has a list of materials to start the search with. It is a comma-separated string of material names such as 'material1,material2,...' with no spaces after the comma.

FROM   tableofmaterialneeds tomn 
       JOIN products p 
         ON tomn.productid = p.productid 
       JOIN tableofmaterials tom 
         ON tomn.materialid = tom.materialid 
GROUP  BY p.productid 
HAVING sum(find_in_set(tomn.material, @LISTOFMATERIALS) = 0) = 0; 

The find_in_set() returns 0 only when a material is not in the set. The sum() counts the number of materials, and the = 0 is saying that there are none.