Initial Parts of Angular

What is Bootstrapping in Angular?

The bootstrapping process sets up the execution environment, digs the App Component out of the App Module’s bootstrap array in its NgModule arguments and creates an instance of the App Component to insert it within the element tag identified by the App Component ’s.selector.

What is Component?

The components are the basic building blocks of a user interface in an angular application. Angular components can be injected and used in other components. A good design angular application is a tree of Angular components. Angular components are classes marked with a decorator @Component. Components always have a template and a constructor.

What is NgModule?

An NgModule is a class marked with a decorator @NgModule. @NgModule takes an object as an argument that describes how to bundle one or more components and how to inject them at runtime. For the external components to use them, the module defines its components, directives and pipes through the export function, making some of them public.

What is App Module?

Every application has at least one Angular module, an NgModule that describes how the application parts fit together, the root module that you bootstrap to launch the application. By convention, it is usually called App Module. App Module is injected and used to initialize the app in the main entry point of the application which is main.ts file in defaults.

What is App Component?

Every application has at least one Angular component which is the root that usually called app-root. This component is the first component that will be render after angular initiation and be the parent of the other components.

What is AOT Compilation?

Every angular application gets compiled internally. The angular compiler takes javascript code, compiles it and produces javascript code again. Ahead-of-Time Compilation does not happen every time or for every user, as is the case with Just-In-Time (JIT) Compilation.