Software Engineering

Routing in Angular

Angular provides a Router to make it easier to define routes for the web applications and to navigate from one view to another view in the application. What is routing? When a user enters a web application or website, routing is their means of navigating throughout the application. To change from one view to another,

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HTTP Service in Angular

Why http? Most front-end applications communicate with backend services over the HTTP protocol. Angular offers an easy to use HttpClient API for developers. What is HttpClient? HttpClient is a powerful tool Angular offers to help REST API connections. Angular HttpClient has and interface that concludes all common used request types as well as hook for

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Services in Angular

What is a Service? A service is typically a class with a narrow, well-defined purpose. Angular provides flexibility to factor your application logic into services and make those services available to components through dependency injection. Service classes are decorated with @Injectable() decorator to show they can be injected to some other services or components. What

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Pipes in Angular

What is Angular Pipe? Pipes are used to transform data, when we only need that data transformed in a template. Basically a pipe is an operator that takes a stream of inputs, transforms it, and returns. The pipes may be chained to perform complex operations, or they can be directed with some input parameters. Pipes

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Data Binding in Angular

What is Data Binding? Data binding is a process that creates a link between the application’s user interface and data. When the values of the data change, the elements of the user interface are linked to the data. Angular handles data binding by synchronizing the state of the view, with the data in the component.

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