Extra Simplified Asynchronicity in JavaScript
Ever wondered how JavaScript handles asynchronous operations? Uncover the secrets of promises and async/await for efficient coding.
Ever wondered how JavaScript handles asynchronous operations? Uncover the secrets of promises and async/await for efficient coding.
Ever wondered how to simplify asynchronous programming in JavaScript? Unravel the secrets of async operations and promises!
Mastering Asynchronous JavaScript: Promises, Async/Await & Best Practices Read More »
Is your website losing visitors due to slow loading times? Discover strategies for improving web performance and enhancing user experience.
Unlocking Better Web Experience: Mitigating Content Visibility Delays Read More »
Ionic Angular application has lazy loading configured by default. It works well, but if the app is very large preloading every module in the background may cause unnecessary data to be loaded in the background. You might waste user’s bandwidth by downloading screens they might not visit. Ideally, for mobile web, we would like to
Ivy Version 9 moves all applications to use the Ivy compiler and runtime by default. This offers numerous advantages: Smaller bundle sizes Faster testing Better debugging Improved CSS class and style binding Improved type checking Improved build errors Improved build times, enabling AOT on by default Improved Internationalization New options for ‘providedIn’ In addition to the previous root and
An Angular app contains a tree of Angular components. There can be a multitude of separate different components in a single angular application page. Some times these components need real data to show probably from an API. You may choose to make API calls from a component or, better, just present data from a service
Caching is a very useful feature to reduce server-side network traffic. It can reduce server requests by saving and receiving data on the client-side. Therefore, we will achieve more performance in the client application. I mentioned how powerful angular HTTP tools are in my previous posts; HttpClient and HttpInterceptor. In this article, we will manage
Differential Loading Angular 8 takes advantage of Differential loading by default. It is a process by which the browser chooses between modern or legacy JavaScript based on its own capabilities. Differential Loading Angular 8 replates Angular 7’s custom loadChildren syntax with industry-standard dynamic imports. Web Worker Support You can now generate new web workers from the CLI.
Angular CLI Angular-CLI is updated to prompt and guide the user while creating new apps. While creating a new Angular application, the Angular CLI will prompt the user to select if they want to add features like Angular routing or the format of the stylesheet they want to use in their application. A new Bundle
Creating the App To create an Angular app, you first need to install NodeJs and its packet manager NPM. NPM will help you install all the other necessities on your machine. Most important tool is Angular CLI for this task. You can install Angular-CLI globally on your machine with the command `npm install -g @angular/cli`